worrying too soon
"It's not time to worry yet,"just the other day I said to my roommate who was freaking out because she thought she lost her planner. Umm, wow, I am such a black pot.
But I just had an emotional breakthrough I wrote in my journal that I had to share just to make it real. A list of things I've spent energy in my brain worrying about in just the last four days that either didn't come true or I am yet to know if they will come true:
Being late for yoga, never going to yoga again after moving, getting kicked off Metro-North for not buying ticket, packing, hating Astoria, missing Williamsburg, being alone forever, adopting a Chinese baby that has emotional problems, having to make another trip to doctor's office, having my Mad Men story killed, hurting my back because I bought too soft a mattress, not having a career, my hand surgery resulting in nerve damage, not being able to handle planning D.C. rally, my frequent flier miles expiring, a friend being mad at me, having swine flu.
Just to reiterate, none of these have happened. At least not yet. And most of these I can control the outcome of. And many of the ones I can't matter very little in the scheme of anything.
Goal: Worry after the fact, not before.
Thanks for sharing in my emotional breakthrough!