Sunday, October 07, 2007

I might join a lesbian gang

Today I moved into my apartment! It's great/weird/etc. and so far everything has gone well. Except one thing. So I'm on a street that from first glace seems 75% Latino families and 25%hipster-types (as opposed to 5 blocks down the street, where I had a delicious brunch, where it seems that demographic is reversed). Both of of parents were moving me in, so I of course felt about 12 years old as my parents did everything.

But ANYWAY, my mom reported back to me that she "probably shouldn't even tell me this" but obviously she did, that as she was talking to the super, a man of about 60 who currently has two teeth and until what I'm about to tell you I thought was very nice. Probably because of the lack of white faces walking down the street, my mother kept questioning the super, about 'how safe is the neighborhood?.' The super assured her the nieghborhood was great except...wait for it..."there's a lesbian problem." Apparently a lot of dykes had been terrorizing the neighborhood and beat up another member of the street's super-mafia.

My mom didn't say anything courageous like "My daughter happens to be a lesbian and she is one of your paying tenants and I could sue your ass" and I don't know if I would have been able to say that either so I really shouldn't judge since I've found it's hard to stand up to bigotry when it's personal, and not just an abstract injustice against someone else.

So I don't fault my mom for that but what I DO fault her and my father for is what I'm about to tell you next. As my parents were leaving, they each give me $20 to give to the super to bribe him to be nice to me. This man, aside for making me feel uncomfortable and being a homophobic asshole, didn't even help us carry in a single box!

SO instead of continuing to argue with my parents about how this man is not geting another penny from us, I realized the most beneficial solution for everyone (except the unsuper super) would in, in a silent protest against homophobic supers everywhere, I am KEEPING the $40 my parents gave me. I'm thinking of splitting the money with the lesbians in my neighborhood so I can do my part.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi diana. i've stumbled upon your blog and have enjoyed it so much i've spent well over an hour reading past entries. have noticed in some of those you were always curious if strangers were reading -- so just wanted to let you know there's a (harmless) stalker in st. louis who gets a kick out of hearing about your homophobic super and what not. btw it's nearly 11 pm on a friday so i would be of the loser stalker variety. oh well -- look forward to reading more.

8:49 PM  
Blogger diana said...

thanks, it's so exciting hearing from my readers. keep in touch!

3:33 PM  

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