Friday, November 09, 2007

just saying hi

ok, what has been going on in my world since I've last checked in? ummm, not that much of note.
-i went to a work-sponsored benefit and bought a cute wintery Diane von Furstenberg (sp? I only know her from Project Runway) dress for $85 instead of $425 that tried on in the middle of the store and made a work acquaintance tell me if I looked good and she kindly listed the reasons (good color/material/i could wear a normal bra). Once I buy a shawl and shoes I will perhaps wear for New Years since I always want to wear a dress on New Years but I never have a cute wintery dress.
-I attempted to buy curtains at Bed, Bath and Beyond but it totally stressed me out, so I just left.
-I was Jan "Brush 'em, brush 'em brush 'em" for Halloween, which I thought was a good last minute costume since I got a pink jacket at Salvation army that i can totally wear again
-I saw some NU friends and friends of friends from out of town and walked around to trendy clubs that we didn't get into and I learned that "the meat-packing district is not my scene" and was just as happy when we went to a dingy pub in the east village.
- I had an adorable bookclub with my Ossining friends and a friend's birthday dinner with other Ossining friends and I am so grateful I have Ossining friends who I love so much.
-My computer still isn't working properly because IT is lame, but then I'm like, ok, I didn't have to pay more my computer, maybe this is a sacrifice I have to make?
-I'm getting Friday-Friday off, my first real break since June and visiting Becca in Arizona! And then spending Thanksgiving with my family so I won't have a Thanksgiving depression like last year, hopefully.

oooh, i had an ideal I meant to blog about when I was very passionate about this ideal but I'm not as much anymore but I will try to regain the passion so I can tell use the soabox i built effectively. Socialist Emma Goldman once said something along the lines of, "If I can't dance, I don't want to be a part of your revolution." Well, I decided that there shouldn't be a revolution just so you can have a dance party, Emma.

In my line of work I've found people are so quick to be like "Let's have a protest!" when they haven't quite decided what they are protesting or what this protest will actually accomplish. Now I've covered and participated in (and sometimes with this job both) dozens of protesty things, and some are great and bring attention to an important issue. But if I am ever a grassroots organizer, which I don't think I can be since I don't know if I could keep my snarky comments to myself, I wouldn't plan an action unless that action was actually going to stimulate change. Obviously protesting is really fun and everything, but a lot of things are fun. And protests that happen all the time for no reason at all except people love picking up signs and being against the man are just silly and make the people protesting look silly and are a waste of resources and my time if I have to cover it and /or plan it because it's my job. Yes, there are always bad things in the world worth protesting against but to say "Let's have a protest!" and then to pick one or more of these bad things from a list is just LAME.

ummm, is that all i have to say? I think so.


Blogger tina said...

somewhat related to your protest point:


11:31 AM  
Blogger diana said...

That article is interesting. I will comment on it fully in a blog post shortly.

And why don't you have a comment section on your blog, Tina? I have SO MUCH to say about your post about Musa but I guess I have to e-mail you.

2:46 PM  
Blogger Ms. Snizz said...


9:03 PM  

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