"I should have taken more picture"--avenue q
But what makes this pictures different than other pictures? I took them.
I love looking at pictures (just not of scenery). And I even like taking pictures (just not organizing them, yuck).. But I'm not a picture taker by nature. I was raised in a family where my parents didn't even bring a camera to my high school graduation. While I had the foresight to bring a disposable to capture this once in a lifetime moment, my mom didn't even think it was weird not to have a camera. At my brother's graduation, no one brought a camera. But we couldn't count on my brother who didn't take one picture during his two weeks in Israel. But I only took about 30 when I was there, so I really can't judge.
Needless to say, I don't come from picture takers. I took about eight pictures my entire summer in manhattan, and maybe 30 in San Francisco. I've probably taken 100 pictures during my 3+ years of college. But anyway, I got a supercute new fast digital camera for Chanukah, which I finally set up so I'm trying to take more pictures to document my quickly ending college career and my trip to South Africa in a month.
So this weekend I was the girl with the camera. I felt pride when at a party a mutual friend was dancing on the table and Daniella told me to take a picture. I was the person with the camera. And I'm going to try to be that girl for the rest of my college career + South Africa. The only problem is I think I'm a bad picture-taker. I am trying to work on this skill.
Maybe I will post more pictures in the future. But I find it sortof-innappropriate/creepy to post pictures of people without thier permission, because what if one of those people in this pictures wanders onto my blog. Although I have no similar qualms about posting pictures on facebook, so maybe I need to rethink this line in the sand I just drew.
But let me know if in the future I have your consent for sharing my masterpieces of you.
Labels: pictures
Keep up the good work.
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