"They must have slept on their Rosie O'Donnell pillows"

Go back, back, waaay back, before Rosie was the snarky, dykey, speaking her mind and getting publicity View hogging lady she emerged as this year, she was, in popular imagination, "the queen of nice." I have long known she was not as nice as she appears.
The date (according to imdb) was May 19, 1998. As a 13 year old fan of "The Rosie O'Donnell Show" my mom's friend bought me tickets. When she couldn't go, my always punctual father accompanied me and we arrived towards the front of the line. At the very front of the line were three midwestern (non-chicago) looking women who HAD ROSIE O'DOLLS (featured left) ATTACHED TO THEIR HEADS! "Maybe they slept on their Rosie O'Donnell pillows," so snarked our new waiting-on-line friend, bringing you the quote of the day.
Were these overeager Rosie fans rewarded for this? No. The geniuses in the studio seated back to front, meaning me, my dad and our line friends were in the second to last row and the women who may or may not have camped out with their Rosie dolls attached to their heads were seated in the back.
The suckiness continued as Rosie did not speak the the audience AT ALL, shooting koosh balls at the audience only at the end of commercial breaks to try to trick viewers at home, and instead chatting with lame guest Paul Reiser and Kristen Johnston, the tall girl from 3rd Rock from the Sun. And despite guest Natalie Merchant's lovely performance, we did not receive her album but instead received a Funny Lady cd(?)
Rosie has since gained a few points in my book by being a lesbian and more recently telling off Donald Trump. (Another blogger might use this moment to hate on Elisabeth Hasselbeck, and while I don't deny that she sucks, I just can't speak ill of her, since she comes from *my* season of Survivor.) However, I can never truly embrace all that is Rosie because of the way she treated me, and more importantly, the owners of the Rosie O'Dolls.
My heart just burst - this was the slice of Diana story love that i needed to propell me through Christmas with my mother.
Many thanks!
Why don't you post ALL the anecdotes you teased us with? These two are such teases of stories to come.
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