Sunday, February 25, 2007

Overheard at the organic coffee shop

I'm sitting at Wild Tree, this cute progressive/organic/I think vegan coffee shop that also sells vegetables. It's perfect since 1) it's close, 2) free wireless, 3) good food 4) un-Northwesterny.

But like any cute progressive/organic/I think vegan coffee shop that sells vegetables and is far enough from campus to not be completely student-filled, it attracts its share of nut jobs.

Case in point:

Crazy middle aged woman who is apparently a regular comes in, out from the snow. She doesn't buy anything and asks the owner:
I have a question, I 've been trying to grow my hair out, and I'm wondering is it even?

Owner and I make eye contact and laugh, me on the outside, her on the inside. Owner says she can't see hair, because woman is wearing a hood. Woman takes hood off. Owner assures crazy woman her hair is even. Then crazy woman leaves.

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Blogger Sparber said...

I'm looking forward to the Diana compendium of Tales from the Coffee Shop: Crazy Ladies and Sometimes Their Children, Who They Sometimes Use to Score Dates.

5:57 PM  

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