Personality quiz!

I have not updated in a while since I'm lazy. In fact, although I am also cheap, I am much lazier than I am cheap. As college students and/or people in our 20s we often say, "I'm so cheap!" or "I'm so lazy!"? Are your cheaper or lazier? Here is a simple question to help you ponder this huge problem.
Crisis! You realize you only have one pair of underwear left. Do you:
a)Do laundry immediately
b) Go to the Gap if you are in Evanston/any store if you are elsewhere and buy a 6-pack of underwear.
c) Wash your underwear in the sink using Woolite
d) Wear a bathing suit bottom tomorrow then dirty underwear the next day.
e)This situation could never happen, since you do laundry every other Sunday, obviously.
f) This situation could never happen, since you have an unlimited supply of underwear and/or you pay someone to wash your clothes.
If you answered a) you are cheaper than you are lazy, but you're not that cheap. You are a fairly responsible human being, if slightly irritating.
Friends character you most resemble (i can't think of a more modern analogy): Ross
If you answered b) you are lazier than you are cheap. And you are pretty damn lazy.
Friend persona: Chandler
If you answered c) You are not super-lazy. But you are pretty cheap.
Friends character you most resemble: Phoebe
If you answered d) you are lazy, cheap and kind of dirty. Friends character you most resemble: Joey (duh)
If you answered e) you are not lazy or cheap but you are slightly OCD.
Friends character you most resemble: Monica
If you answered f) you are not cheap. You might be lazy. But mostly you are spoiled.
Friends character you most resemble: Rachel (circa season 1)
In the idea of full-disclosure I will say that I am a Chandler, though occasionally (but not usually) a Ross, thus fulfilling my lazier than cheap prophecy.
If you (my remaining readers who have stuck with me through the hiatus such as Josh, Becca, Marcy and possibly Christine and Irina) would like me to guess which character you are, I will gladly guess as long as you don't get mad at my astute analysis of you.
Yes. Please guess.
Guess away. although I think that it takes a certain amount of energy to make it all the way to the gap, whereas the washing machine is in my building. so actually, not going to the gap makes me lazy.
Josh: I would guess a) since though your natural inclination is to be lazy and not cheap you are going through a poor phase, plus you have time to do laundry.
Marcy: I don't think you're cheap or lazy, but maybe slightly lazier than cheap. I'm going to go for e) with the very occasional a). You probably have rarely been faced with this problem, but when you have, you do laundry right away. And no, Gap is way lazier since a totaly trip to Gap is like 15 minutes, and then you're done, where as doing laundry is a multiple-hour process.
OK, guess. I feel like it's not so hard, but I figured I should give you some positive reinforcement for updating.
thanks! and i love how all the people who responded are you guys. and you are e) duh.
I disagree. I do not do laundry every Sunday, I do laundry when I'm about to run out of underwear. So maybe an A/E split.
oh shit. i'm late and probably don't even want to know what you'd guess... eeeeeee.
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